A developmental trajectory describes the course of a behavior over age or time. Daniel Nagin pioneered a method called Group-based Trajectory Modeling to cluster these trajectories into groups. Link. This method is quite popular in the medical and social sciences. In this post I will take a look at his paper from 1999 - Analyzing Developmental Trajectories - A Semiparametric Group-based approach and provide some code in R to work through the datasets.


There are two interesting datasets associated with this paper. The first is from the Cambridge study of Delinquint Development. It tracked 411 British males from a working area of London. Data collection began in the early 60s when the boys were 8 years old and continued till they were around 32. It included criminal convictions and measured variables related to a number of factors including psychological makeup, family circumstances, parenting behavior and performance in school/work. Emmanuel College Front Court, Cambridge, UK - Diliff

The second dataset is a study of 1037 White males of French ancestry. This also measures similar variables to the Cambridge study.

We shall mainly focus on the Cambridge study.

Cambridge Study

# read in the data
cambridge <- read.dta("https://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/bjones/traj/data/cambrdge.dta")

This dataset has many columns and we can make some educated guesses about what is in them

  • x01-x23 : Offense Counts (Number of offense counts in a year)
  • x24-x46 : Unknown
  • t1-t23 : Age
  • tt1-tt23 : Scaled Age
  • p1-p23 : Prevalence (Whether an offense was committed that year or not)
  • y10 : ID
  • other y’s : Unknown (Probably covariates)

We will mainly be working with the Offense Counts but first let’s convert this dataset from wide to long. The dplyr toolset makes this easy.


# Convert Cambridge from wide to long format
# ID, TimeIdx (1-23), Age, Offense Count, Prevalence
# We drops the covariates and only keep the time series
cambridge_long <- cambridge %>%
  rename(ID=y10) %>%
  select(-starts_with("y")) %>% # drop covariates
  select(-starts_with("tt")) %>% # drop scaled age
  select(-(x24:x46)) %>% # drop unknown x variables
  gather(variable, value, -ID) %>%
  mutate(TimeIdx = parse_number(variable)) %>%
  mutate(variable = gsub("\\d", "", x=variable)) %>%
  spread(variable, value) %>%
  select(ID, TimeIdx, Age=t, Prevalence=p, OffCount=x) 

# A sampling of rows from the dataset
cambridge_long %>% slice(c(1:3, 20:23, 100:103, 7800:7804)) %>% print()
## # A tibble: 16 x 5
##       ID TimeIdx   Age Prevalence OffCount
##    <dbl>   <dbl> <dbl>      <dbl>    <dbl>
##  1     1       1    10          0        0
##  2     1       2    11          0        0
##  3     1       3    12          0        0
##  4     1      20    29          0        0
##  5     1      21    30          0        0
##  6     1      22    31          0        0
##  7     1      23    32          0        0
##  8     5       8    17          0        0
##  9     5       9    18          0        0
## 10     5      10    19          1        1
## 11     5      11    20          1        1
## 12   347       3    12          0        0
## 13   347       4    13          1        3
## 14   347       5    14          1        2
## 15   347       6    15          0        0
## 16   347       7    16          1        2

We look at the average number of offense counts by the boys ages and put some confidence intervals around the mean.

ggplot(cambridge_long, aes(Age, OffCount)) + 
  stat_summary(fun.y="mean", geom="line") +
  stat_summary(geom='ribbon', fun.data='mean_cl_boot', alpha=0.2) +
  labs(title="Mean Offense Count by Age", 
       y= "Mean Offense Count")

plot of chunk mean_off_count

It looks like males commit a lot of offenses in the mid/late teens compared to the other years.

Fitting a Group-Based Trajectory model


num_components <- 3
ages <- 10:32

m <- flexmix(OffCount ~ Age + I(Age^2) | ID, k=num_components,
## Call:
## flexmix(formula = OffCount ~ Age + I(Age^2) | ID, data = cambridge_long, 
##     k = num_components, model = FLXMRglm(family = "poisson"))
## Cluster sizes:
##    1    2    3 
## 6946  644 1679 
## convergence after 86 iterations
## Call:
## flexmix(formula = OffCount ~ Age + I(Age^2) | ID, data = cambridge_long, 
##     k = num_components, model = FLXMRglm(family = "poisson"))
##         prior size post>0 ratio
## Comp.1 0.7104 6946   8073 0.860
## Comp.2 0.0676  644   2323 0.277
## Comp.3 0.2220 1679   9062 0.185
## 'log Lik.' -1909 (df=11)
## AIC: 3840   BIC: 3918
cambridge_long$Cluster <- clusters(m)

GetAgeClusterPred <- function(age, k)  {
  p <- parameters(m, component=k)
  exp(p[1] + p[2] * age + p[3] * age^2)

predictions <- expand.grid(Age=ages, Cluster=1:num_components) %>% 
        rowwise() %>% mutate(OffCount=GetAgeClusterPred(Age, Cluster) )
ggplot(cambridge_long, aes(Age, OffCount, color=factor(Cluster))) +
  stat_summary(fun.y=mean, geom="line", alpha=0.8) + 
  geom_line(data=predictions, aes(color=factor(Cluster)), 
    linetype="dotted") +
  labs(y="Offense Count", 
    title="Trajectories of number of convictions (Cambridge Sample)")

plot of chunk flexmixplot